Thursday, September 13, 2007

Week 9, Thing 20: Youtube

Youtube is something I became acquainted with a long time ago, there is some hilarious and downright scary stuff there. On my way home from work last night I was listening to the Don and Mike Show on 105.7 FM radio, and they were talking about a recent Youtube video and whether or not it was real. Callers had varying opinions. Since then it has been revealed to be a fake. Here it is:

I first heard this song on the radio several weeks ago and envisioned the artist(s) completely different.

Flight of the Conchords is a show on HBO that I would watch if I had HBO; but I have the first season reserved in my netflix account.

1 comment:

permanoob said...

Hey, they made a music video sketch kind of thing on FoC as well, that is totally hysterical. Check it out here:

glad to see you finished btw!